What is “branch water”?

Dear Cecil: I watch Dallas like some people go to church. J.R. is my favorite villain. He drinks “branch water,” though, and for the life of me I can’t find out what “branch water” is. Bartenders look at me like I’m nuts when I ask for it. Liquor stores don’t have any idea what J.R.'s favorite drink is either. What is “branch water” and where can I get some? Pat Locastro, Jacksonville, Florida

Cecil replies:

Cecil replies:

You’re looking in the wrong place, bro. Get your nose out of the saloons and find yourself a babbling brook. Branch water is nothing more than water from a stream (often called a branch in the South) rather than a well. I gather such water is highly prized in some parts. Of course, you also hear people ask for a "bourbon and branch," meaning whiskey and plain water rather than soda water. So what J.R. is really supposed to be sipping is anybody’s guess.

Cecil Adams

Send questions to Cecil via cecil@straightdope.com.